The Travelling Volumes of the Sacred Law
The Hamilton Masonic Districts’ Board of Relief
Presentation of “Travelling Volumes of the Sacred Law”
On Sunday October 19, 2014 three “Travelling Volumes of the Sacred Law” were presented to Hamilton A, B & C Districts by The Hamilton Masonic Districts’ Board of Relief. These Bibles will be dedicated to the memory of a Past District Deputy Grand Master from each District, who has passed to the Grand Lodge Above.
Hamilton Masonic District A – Dedicated to the Memory of R.W. Bro. John A. Muir
Hamilton Masonic District B – Dedicated to the Memory of R.W. Bro. Keith D. Cosier
Hamilton Masonic District C – Dedicated to the Memory of R.W. Bro. Donald L. Jagger
The Volumes of the Sacred Law will be presented to the Lodge, in their respective District, which has the greatest attendance at the District Divine Service. It will then be the Lodge’s responsibility to return the Volumes of the Sacred Law to the next Divine Service, where it will again be presented to the respective Lodge with the greatest attendance in their District. It is hoped this will be away to not only remember these three Brethren, but to remember all Brethren who have passed on to the Grand Lodge Above before us.
Hamilton Masonic District A
Dedicated to the Memory of
R.W. Bro. John A. Muir
Hamilton B District
Dedicated to the Memory of
R.W. Bro. Keith D. Cosier
Hamilton Masonic District C
Dedicated to the Memory of
R.W. Bro. Donald L. Jagger
Travelling Volume of the Sacred Law
Dedicated To The Memory Of
The Late R.W. Bro. Keith D. Cosier, P.D.D.G.M.
St. Andrew’s Lodge No. 62
Sunday October 19, 2014

R.W. Bro. Thomas R. Young, District Deputy Grand Master, Hamilton Masonic District B and Mrs. Karen Cosier, widow of the late R.W. Bro. Keith D. Cosier, P.D.D.G.M., are holding the Travelling District B Volume of the Sacred Law dedicated to the memory of her late husband R.W. Bro. Keith D. Cosier. The Volume of the Sacred Law will be presented to the District B Lodge which has the greatest attendance at the District Divine Service. It will then be the Lodge’s responsibility to return the Volume of the Sacred Law to the next Divine Service, where it will again be presented to the District B Lodge with the greatest attendance. It is hoped this will be away to not only remember the late R.W. Bro. Keith D. Cosier, P.D.D.G.M., but to remember all Brethren who have passed on to the Grand Lodge Above before us.
Fall Divine Service – Sunday, October 28, 2018
Melrose United Church
The Worshipful Master of The Lodge of Strict Observance, W. Bro. Tariq Qurashi accepting the Traveling Volume of the Sacred Law.
Winners of the B District Travelling Volume of the Sacred Law | |
Inaugural Fall 2014 | St. Andrew’s Lodge No. 62 |
Spring 2015 | Union Lodge No. 7 |
Fall 2015 | Battlefield Lodge No. 714 |
Spring 2016 | Hillcrest Lodge No. 594 |
Fall 2016 | The Lodge of Strict Observance No. 27 Lincoln Lodge No. 544 Hillcrest Lodge No. 594 |
Spring 2017 | St. Andrew’s Lodge No. 593 |
Fall 2017 | The Lodge of Strict Observance No. 27 |
Spring 2018 | The Lodge of Strict Observance No. 27 |
Fall 2018 | The Lodge of Strict Observance No. 27 |
Spring 2019 | Hillcrest Lodge No. 594 |
Fall 2019 |