The Cup of Harmony

The Cup of Harmony – “D.D.G.M.’s Official Visit” Visiting Lodge of the Year
To align with his goals and initiatives for 2011-2012, our District Deputy Grand Master, R.W. Bro. Louis M. Domjan, is instituting an annual award for the “Visiting Lodge of the Year” entitled “The Cup of Harmony”.
The Cup of Harmony will be awarded annually at the Spring District Meeting to the Lodge with the greatest number of members in totality that visited on the Official Visits during the then current Masonic Year. For a member to be counted towards the total for a particular Lodge he must be present at Lodge and be a member in good standing of such Lodge. Members may be counted under multiple Lodges. The Lodge in which the District Deputy Grand Master is conducting his Official Visit at will not be counted on that particular occasion.
We ask that all members in good standing be prepared to stand when their respective Lodge(s) is called upon for counting to ensure the process can be completed as efficiently as possible.
First place ties at the end of the year will be broken by removing the amount of members that attended on the Lodge’s lowest single Official Visit attendance for each such tied Lodge. This process will be repeated for any Lodges that remain tied until a winner is declared. In other words, if Lodge attendance when visiting the eleven Official Visits were 9, 12, 11, 13, 8, 10, 11, 8, 6, 12 and 14 for a total of 100 – the first tie breaker would drop the 6 for a new total of 94, second tie breaker would drop one of the 8s for a new total of 86, and so on. In the unlikely event of a first place tie after removing all eleven Official Visits, then the tie breaker will be the Lodge with the highest number reported on their Tyler’s Report of the Official Visit to their Lodge starting with the first entry (number of Lodge members present) and working the way down the report until a winner is declared.
The popular and successful “Travelling Cane” introduced by R.W. Bro. Terence J. Brown will continue in its current form to further support this year’s goals and initiatives. As you are likely aware, the Travelling Cane is awarded at each Official Visit to the visiting Lodge with the most members signed in on the Tyler’s register.
Rule Change – Amended August 31, 2015.
Nightly Rules are the same except that the Final Winning Number will be determined by the percentage of the lodge’s membership that visited throughout the year. The lodge with the highest percent of visitors wins.
Cup of Harmony Winners | |
Harmony Lodge No. 57 | 2011 – 2012 |
St. Andrew’s Lodge No. 62 | 2012 – 2013 |
Wentworth Lodge No. 166 | 2013 – 2014 |
Wentworth Lodge No. 166 | 2014 – 2015 |
Battlefield Lodge No. 714 | 2015 – 2016 |
Hillcrest Lodge No. 594 | 2016 – 2017 |
Enniskillen Lodge No. 185 | 2017 – 2018 |
Hillcrest Lodge No. 594 | 2018 – 2019 |
Congratulations to Enniskillen Lodge No. 185
2017 – 2018 “Cup of Harmony” Winner